Rachel Pintarelli

May 29, 20203 min

Losing Voice: When Marketing Becomes a Shouting Match

Updated: May 30, 2020

Sometimes, marketing can feel like you are playing a shouting game where the person that yells the loudest wins. And it can be exhausting.

If you can relate, know that it is perfectly normal, because sometimes I feel that way too. And especially now, with so many businesses fighting their way back from the brink of oblivion, the intensity of saving what may have been lost is high. We ALL are feeling the pressure to bellow “look over here, look at me, see me!” and shout it the loudest.

But what happens after shouting for days on end? You lose your voice. Think about that for a minute. Literally and figuratively. Losing your voice means you've lost your way. The way that is unique to you and what you offer. It is so important to continually realign yourself and your marketing efforts with what works best for YOUR business, YOUR target market, and YOUR brand. We aren’t cookie cutter, we were never meant to be. We are unique in how we do what we do, and how we offer those services. Even if thirty other people are doing a similar business in your hometown…you each are still doing it differently. But yet, when we get tired, when we feel desperate, when we feel pressure to compete, that's when we lose hold of the very things that make us appealing to those that are seeking us out.

And then, the loud “look over here” tactics start to feel wrong because it isn’t organic to how we are and who we are. The past couple weeks after my rebranding I have found renewed energy and passion for what I do, but in the launch it felt loud…"LOOK! I found a way to make this work…look at what I DID!" And even though it is sincere excitement (like…seriously, I love the direction RYB is going!), the drain game has begun.

Shouting from mountain tops just isn’t my style, so when I saw the quote below I thought it was a perfect opportunity to blog a little, in a quieter way, and share that in silence sometimes a greater marketing magic can be born. That's what my next steps are, allowing for the pause in between

Don't fear taking the quiet time to regroup your marketing efforts and rethink what it is you truly want to say, the stories you want to share and the services you offers. There are people still looking for you and what you provide, but the way in which you reach them isn't usually found by walking someone else's.

Here are a few helpful hints as to how you can stay the course and not lose your "voice":

Tip #1: Revisit Who You Are & Who You Serve: This helps you realign yourself with the "why" of what you do and can help firmly plant you back in a place of confidence. Review your mission statement, your values, your branding guidelines (if you don't have those written out, that comes before Tip #1!)

Tip #2: Think of Your Customers First: When creating any kind of marketing piece, be it digital or print, make sure you are keeping your customer in mind. Think about how they have come to know you, and what they would expect from you. Is what you are currently churning out going to seem inline with how they have come to know you, or will they feel estranged? If you want your customers to be loyal, you must be loyal in return by being the brand they have come to know and love.

Tip #3: Be Consistent: Keeping every element of your marketing consistent is an easy win when it comes to holding on to the voice of you and your business. If you are delivering a message on one platform, it should consistently be communicated across other platforms as well. If you are in the habit of staying active and in front of your audiences day to day, week to week with your marketing, it is far less likely that you will deviate from the path and need to start shouting.

And as always, I'm happy to support you in the consistency of owning your voice.
