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Your Personal

                     Brand Journey

Starts Here

Your Personal Brand Journey is a free workbook resource I created for solopreneurs, freelancers & small business owners who are curious to begin their own branding journey.
It asks all the right questions, and gives you a path to walk in understanding who you are as a "brand". Hint: it isn't just for the big names!
Personal brand is how you promote yourself
and your services. It is a unique combination of your
skills, experience, and personality. It is how you present
yourself to the world through the telling of your story,
and through your messaging.
Your Personal Brand Journey calls on you to be brave, and to begin the journey of incorporating yourself into the words you share, the stories you tell, and the connections you make.
"People don't buy what you do,
they buy WHY you do it."
-Simon Sinek
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